The longing for more holistic, "integral" ways of being dates back to the beginnings of humanity. The term “integral” is not new; it has been coined in the early 20th century for describing a newly emerging structure of consciousness and of understanding the world.
Here are some key inspirations to new paradigm/integral politics, from Sri Aurobindo to the Metamodernists. Explore what each of these inspirations contributes to a timely understanding of new paradigm/integral politics and what we can learn from them for reinventing politics in our time.
Aurobindo, Sri (1999). The ideal of human unity. Lotus Press.
Further reading:
IO 1 chapter 1
Gebser, Jean (2020).The ever-present origin. Ohio University Press.
Further reading:
IO 1 chapter 2
Graves, Clare W. (2005).The Never Ending Quest. ECLET Publishing.
Further reading:
IO 1 chapter 3
Wilber, Ken (2000). The Collected Works of Ken Wilber. Shambhala Publications.
Further Reading:
IO 1 chapter 4:
Scharmer, C. O. (2009).Theory U: Learning from the future as it emerges. Berrett-Koehler.
Further Reading:
IO 1 chapter 5:
Laloux, Frederic (2014). Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating OrganizationsInspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness (Brussels, NelsonParker).
Further Reading:
IO 1 chapter 6:
Freinacht, Hanzi (2017): TheListening Society: A Metamodern Guide to Politics. Book One. UK:Metamoderna.
Freinacht, Hanzi (2019): NordicIdeology. A Metamodern Guide to Politics. Book Two. Ibid.
Freinacht, Hanzi (2022). 3 DesignPrinciples for Protopian Governance, online.
Further Reading:
IO 1 chapter 7: