Meet the team

For two and a half years a group of Europeans has come together in the project LiFT 3.0 in order to research, explore and experience “New Politics”. The project is funded by Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

We have created this website in order to share our experience and learnings. What we present here is not “the truth” - it's part of our experience. Our goal is to contribute to a politics that is better equipped for the future. One aspect of this is that it holds deep relational qualities. The politics we are looking for are not merely administrative or regulative in character, but they grow from dialogic principles that invite the full experience of humanness.

>>The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.<<

Klara Sucher
New Politics: Curriculum and Website
MSc in Political Science. Works as a facilitator and is co-founder of the secondary school Quinoa in Berlin and co-founder of Noumenal Space, an organization that supports organisations during times of intense cultural transformation. Focus on relational qualities and dynamics. Dedicates her time to cultural transformation and to co-creation.
Michael Wernstedt
New Politics: Curriculum and Website
Social entrepreneur and former lawyer. He has built up and served as secretary general of Raoul Wallenberg Academy, and was co-founder and party leader of the political party the Initiative. Since January 2022 he serves as the COO of Inner Development Goals and is Chair of End Eco-cide Sweden.

Indra Adnan
People: The New Planet
Co-initator of The Alternative Global, a socio-political platform serving systemic transformation. Socio-psychotherapist, writer and consultant on soft power. Her book The Politics of Waking Up: Power and Possibility in the Fractal Age was a Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year in 2021.

Anne Caspari
Action: SenseMaker
MSc in Environmental Planning, did work in many different countries on nature rehabilitation and sustainability projects. Experienced trainer and facilitator. She has her own company and works closely with The Cynefin Company and runs SenseMaker projects.

Dr. Elke Fein
Project Lead and Theory
Social and political scientist and lecturer at the University of Freiburg (Germany). Degrees in political science and East European studies, PhD in political sociology. Explores the relationship between adult development and socio-political analysis. Co-founder and managing director of the Institute for Integral Studies (IFIS).

Dr. Bettina Geiken
Action: Sense-Maker
PhD in natural sciences, then moved into EU-project design in international development. Focus on strategies for sustainable urban development and intercultural/institutional capacity building. Current focus in adult development, complex-adaptive systems and sensemaking.

Bernard Le Roux
Action: Dialogue
Mediator, facilitator and supports organisations who wish to shift to dialogic way of managing conflict and making decisions. Co-founder of Dialogues AB, a not-for-profit company, conducting training courses in mediation and dialogue for people working with environmental, urban, and other relational conflicts.

Katrin Muff
Mindset: The Positive Impact Mindset
Director of the Institute for Business Sustainability and Professor of Practice at the LUISS Business School in Rome. Consultant for executives and boards of directors in the area of sustainability and strategic transformation. Co-directs two leading-edge executive education programs in Sustainability Leadership.

Karen O'Brien
Mindset: You Matter More Than You Think
Professor in the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at the University of Oslo, Norway. Co-founder of cCHANGE, an organization that supports public engagement with transformations to sustainability. Recent books include "You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World" and "Climate and Society: Transforming the Future" (with Robin Leichenko).

Harald Schellander
People: The New Planet
Funded and ran a PR agency and the Institute for Future Competences. Active in civil society initiatives such as “Days of Future”. Journalist and author. Publications include “Inspiration - Die Kraft zu werden was wir sind”, “Zukunftskraft Nachhaltigkeit - 21 Perspektiven für das 21. Jahrhundert”, (co-editor) and many more.

Beth Smith
Action: SenseMaker
MSc in the field of policing and public management, a post-graduate qualification in mixed methods research from the University of Oxford. Research interests in citizen engagement, community development, political risk, strategic management, and epistemology. Programme Manager for Citizen Engagement and Democratic Innovation for SenseMaker®. Non-executive director at the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development (FDSD).

Get in touch

Our info


Klara Sucher


Michael Wernstedt

IFIS - Institut für Integrale Studien
Elke Fein
Mathildenstraße 18
79106 Freiburg im Breisgau